Alpha Merit Group


Changing lives through EDUCATION...

Alpha Merit Group Educational Foundation, Inc. (AMGEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, focused on scholarship, training, and development programs for minority youth. The organization was founded in 1982, as a mechanism to address the challenges facing minorities in America. It has grown into a fully comprehensive outreach and scholarship entity over its nearly four decades of existence. AMGEF implements its focus through two programs: High Chair to Higher Education and the Alpha Merit Beautillion. The foundation also participates in local partnerships, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boy Scouts of America and Junior Achievement.

Serving Houston and the surrounding communites since 1982



Serving Houston



Go To High School Go To College

Go To High School Go To College


Alpha Merit Beautillion

Alpha Merit Beautillion


Big Brothers, Big Sisters

AMGEF acts as an active advocate for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America.  BBBSA helps children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships mentors.


The foundation engages in social and educational activities to increase awareness about BBBSA.  It also aids in the recruitment and retention of male mentors, and participates in fundraising activities to augment resources available to support the organization.

Boy Scouts of America

AMGEF partners with Boy Scouts of America to provide merit badge counselors, in an array of subject areas, to local Boy Scout troops.  Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest youth development organizations.


AMGEF is a resource for staffing local and state-wide merit badge workshops.  The foundation also contributes to Eagle Scout projects of boy scouts in the local area.

Junior Achievement

AMGEF partners with Junior Achievement to teach youth basic business and economic principles.  Junior Achievement is the nation's largest and oldest economic education partnership program...


JA is dedicated to educating young people about business, economics, and free enterprise.  AMGEF provides volunteers to teach Junior Achievement modules at local schools.  The modules are delivered in both a one-day, five-hour format, as well as a forty-five minute, multi-day format.

Focused on scholarship, training, and the development of enriching programs for minority youth.